Thursday, November 17, 2011

This story pulled me in from the start and wouldn't let me go....

Miranda's review Nov 10, 11 Read in October, 2011 I got this book as part of the Adopt an Indie event going on right now. This is the first work of Lenore Wolf that I have read and let me tell you I will be going back to check out what else she has available. This story pulled me in from the start and wouldn’t let me go till I had finished it. The way she weaves emotion throughout the book is very well done from the pain of losing loved ones, to the true hatred of those that took them. The strength of a woman determined to keep what is rightfully hers, to a love that comes on so fast and so strong it scares both involved. I loved how Amanda would do anything to keep what is hers. Her strength, determination, and faith in herself and her spiritual teachings. It is an inspiration to us all. I loved the weaving of romance, mystery, and intense spiritual belief that comes out of the pages. A great western romance, with a twist that pierces your heart. Amanda and Hawk are a couple you want to root for, though at times you want to shake one of them and say wake up, look right in front of you.

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